What is the reputation system?
It is a method for privileged members to give their opinion about other users for the rest of OGU to see.
What is the reputation system used for?
For the most part, it is just a metric for users to give their opinions on a member.
Can members write anything they want when giving reputation?
Yes, You can just about put any reasoning for the rep points, however, I'd recommend always being as descriptive as possible.
Can members ask other member to give them reputation rating?
Yes, you can ask members to give you popularity ratings. They must've dealt with you, helped you or been friendly.
Can I have my reputation reset?
It's up the the sole dissection of staff. However if you've abused the system in any way you may be subject to your reputation points being removed.
I feel I was reputation abused, how do I report it?
Utilize the Report function on the users profile.
What is revenge reputation and is it allowed?
Revenge reputation also known as gang rep is the practice of getting a negative reputation rating after you have given that member a negative. This is not against the rules. Clearly if you leave someone a negative, you can expect them to reciprocate. Think carefully about your choices when leaving popularity ratings. If you fear revenge popularity ratings, then reconsider. Staff will not take action on revenge popularity.
Can I get a negative popularity rating removed if it doesn't make sense?
You may contact the member that left the popularity rating in order to understand why it was left. However, you may not harass or threaten the member. If it falls under invalid reputation, staff will remove it if reported.
If a member that left me negative reputation rating gets banned, can the reputation rating get removed?
Sorry, but we do not remove reputation ratings given by banned members.
Reputation - What to Report, and What is Rep Abuse:
Example Uses of Reputation:
Giving someone thanks. They posted something helpful, or maybe they helped you.
Showing a member support. They posted something you like/believe in.
You completed a deal, happily.
Examples of Reputation Abuse, and What to Report:
Reputations that are calling you or somebody else a scammer without a link to an OPEN report.
DWC reputations without a link to an OPEN report / community alert.
Saying somebody has turboed something from you or somebody else without a link to an OPEN report.
Saying somebody has pulled something back from you or somebody else without a link to an OPEN report.
Saying somebody is a multi without linking a community alert with proof. (example)
Gang reputation. (The act of coordination with other members to raise or lower a member�s reputation)
Flaming reputation. (Will most likely only be deleted if racism etc)
Asking or Hinting towards reputation. This includes spamming reputations, and posting "road to 100 rep" or "road to Void/Apollo".
Anything that doesn't fall under these categories is deemed as VALID and you will not get it removed by reporting it.
Giving INVALID reps will result in a 60% warning that lasts one month. Followed by a ban if continued.